Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Passionate Verity

His words cut deep, slicing through my exterior

Yet again he makes me feel inferior

He says I'm stupid, I'll never amount to anything

I believed him, I believed many things

I believed he cared and I believed he was faithful

I believed it was love, now I know he was just hateful

He brought me down, tore me piece to piece

I once stood tall, now I can barely make it to my knees

Once confident and unwavering I now stand before you

Ashamed and quivering, but still it remains true

He would build me up and make me believe

And then rip it away proving it was make belief

I didn't know who I was or what I wanted

Even now that I'm stronger I am still haunted

Haunted from my past and who I was

Even though I have a man that cares and truly loves

I'll never be the woman I could have been

I'll never be judgemental or naive again

He pushed and pushed til there was no going back

Constantly on guard, constantly under attack

So be patient with me baby, although I know you deserve more

I have yet to heal, my heart is still sore

Walk me through recovery and hold my hand

One day I promise on my own I'll be able to stand

But until that time hold your tongue and keep your patience dear

I still have yet a lot of caution and a lot of fear

Life goes on with its scraped up parts

Bruised egos, dried out eyes and ripped up hearts

But with passionate verity we'll move on in time

Only to be encapsulized within the lines of this rhyme.

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