Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Take It Back...

"Once again I feel my rage building up, coming to a boil within my damaged heart. My glazed over eyes glare at a picture of the girl i once was, and i yearn to be her again, oh how i yearn to be naive, and untainted. Crisp tears stream down my face, as I am speechless, unable to determine how or what has built up this anger within me. Memories of their murderous act fly through my treacherous mind over and over. I want to scream... I want to break down and sob... I want to be who I was. But I am just a hollow shell of who I once was, just a shadow looming over a grave site. Take it back, I beg of you... just make this pain go away. Give me bruises, cuts and wounds, at least they can heal...but this...no this will never heal. I am broken, just a memory fading with time, just another girl who lost her soul."